Signs and Signals

In our time of social isolation, I’ve found some comfort in imagining those who share my sun sign. I think of us all leaning over our newspaper or gazing into a screen to read the day’s advice.

“You’ve anticipated this moment. It’s probably nothing like what you thought it would be.”

This is an actual line from a horoscope in my local paper. Given current events, it’s kind of obvious, right? But how might you go deeper? Take a moment to think about this line. WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR YOU? For your kids? Your partner? Your family?

What have you anticipated? Why? Nothing like you thought. What did you think? How does it feel?

You don’t have to believe in astrology for your morning horoscope to shift your perception or move you to action.

The universe is filled with tools for deepening our self-awareness and increasing our powers of communication. As you move through this week, try to tune into signs and signals being sent by the universe. Think of fortune cookies, tarot cards, and those little tabs on your tea bag as helpers, bargain therapists, or guides. Use your awareness as a cue to pause and reflect.

We are here for you.

With love, Tanya and Wesley

THINK – What guides you?

TALK – What do you consider a “sign from the universe?”

WRITE – Set a timer for five minutes. Write about a time when you trusted your gut.

DO – Open a favorite book. Let your eyes fall on a line. Write that line on a piece of paper. How can this line be a prompt to action or understanding?

BE – Sit with your favorite warm beverage. Tune in with all five senses. What do you notice? What do you feel? Taste? Smell?

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