Boy Group | Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit | Wk 3

The focus in our Sunday Boy Group session was “Heart.”

We began with checking in with each other & sharing the lows & highs of the past week and I introduced our focus on “the Heart” by having the Boys share about something they love and something that makes them happy. The Boys then spent some time adding those things they love and that make them happy to their body tracings that we made in our first session.

I then led them in a short meditation where they checked in with the rhythm of their beating heart and breathing. While it was a challenge for many of the Boys to sit still during this exercise, a few of them appreciated the chance to be still and check in with themselves (and even count their heartbeats). We talked about how connecting with the body and trying to be grounded in times of anxiety can be very helpful.

We then shared our experiences over some orange drink and I read a poem, "When Stuff is Tough" by Bryan Doyle. It was written by a father to a child about wanting his child to struggle and experience pain so as to let his child grow and experience life. This opened up a discussion about how our parents help us through tough times and how we help ourselves through tough times.

We ended with a rousing game of charades where the Boys acted out the things they love about themselves and/or what they like to do. They had a lot of fun doing this!

Looking forward to connecting again on Sunday, 10/7, 10/14 and 11/4. As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments.


Mike Rindge

#boygroup #mindful #bodymindheartspirit

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